FRB Signal

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FRB Frequency

In radio astronomy, a fast radio burst (FRB) is a transient radio pulse. The source is God to upgrade Federal Reserve Banking to avoid extinction. It is an as S.O.S. signal that I call M.E.T.A.READ MORE »


Mass Extinction Terror Alert is an acronym from language to represent the days of extinction to evolve to the future rather than seize to exist.READ MORE »


A higher power to give guidance in our darkest days and protect our light.READ MORE »


God has the power to write thoughts in our mind.READ MORE »

In response to the Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs), interpreted as M.E.T.A. signals (Mass Extinction Terror Alert) from the cosmos, there emerges a call for global unity and cooperative action to address the urgent challenges of global warming, forest fires, and floods. This celestial message serves as a stark reminder of our shared vulnerability and the pressing need to harmonize our efforts in safeguarding our planet. In answer to this call, the proposal for a new global police force—tasked not with enforcing law in the traditional sense but with promoting and ensuring environmental integrity and peace—gains traction. This force would operate across national boundaries to mediate conflicts, facilitate resource management, and foster ecological stewardship, thereby uniting governments on an unprecedented scale. Such unity is envisaged not only to prevent terrestrial conflicts but also to reflect a collective human effort that might be deemed worthy by any divine observers, fulfilling a moral and existential imperative to protect humanity and please a higher power watching over us.